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...Enjoying the art of adorning our bodies, our life, our world, and our souls !!! Taking vintage findings, pocket watches, ephemera, kitsch, rhinestones, semi precious stones and anything that strikes my fancy and repurposing it into new and wearable art jewelry for all...I can even incorporate your own pieces for a personal treasure!!!! I will take requests also, just convo me!

Monday, January 28, 2013

SHINE...this is my mantra! One of my fav words right now, although, at times, it's hard to live by even my own word. I believe we should all shine as bright as we can and it is our duty to help others shine as well! Family, friends, even strangers....all it takes is a smile, or a kind word, or holding a door open for someone can brighten even the worst day. Remember, the grass is NOT always greener on the other side and we cannot judge unless we have walked a day in someone elses shoes! Shine can mean so many different things to so many different people, but when you shine your brightest it can brighten the darkest corner for someone in need and thus making your light that much brighter. Such a simple concept...so go ahead, let yourself SHINE!!!!

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